Saturday 21 April 2012

A Morning For Roe

Waking up on Friday morning I was pleasantly surprised to find sunshine peaking in through my curtains and not the rain we've been having all week. So I upped and dressed, grabbed my camera and was out the door before half 7. All week on the way to work I've been seeing loads of Brown Hares quite close to the roads on the spring sowing, typically with the sun shining and camera in hand, no Hares are to be seen. I did sit an wait for 45 mins or so an was rewarded with some great views and plenty of them too.

In the morning light I counted 13 Roe Deer all grazing together on the edge of Harewood Forest, I managed to get 10 in the shot through the telephoto lens.
I counted 10 in the frame!

3 young Roe Bucks sniffed and snorted a lot closer on the edge of the ploughed game cover crop, the April chill noticeable as there breath could be seen drifting on the breeze.

A bit chilly

The Bigger Buck
Just as I left one of the Bucks winded me and started to jump off across the field, I took a series of pictures and instead of posting them all I thought I would try and stitch them together, so the movement looked a bit more fluid. 
Roe Buck - Jump Sequence

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