The Goldeneye is a duck I am not accustomed to seeing all that often, and definitely not at any close distance. Coming across one of the side pools at Slimbridge, away from the main collections, I am guessing the waterfowl on it are not totally part of the collection nor totally wild, but the opportunity to photograph these rather striking ducks was to good to pass on.
There were a few Females floating around as well, but they don't appear anywhere near as stunning as the Drakes. The iridescent Green/Brown/Black feathers on the head look beautiful when they catch the light. Which I managed to capture in a few shots, several of the birds where in full Winter adult plumage and certainly stand out bolder than the others! Stunning ducks! Captive or not! Up to date pictures and sightings, prior to me getting around to writing these blog posts, I would be more than grateful for any 'Likes' or Comments on my FB Photography Page too so feel free to comment or criticise about anything.
great shots Martin, they are a lovely little duck